Google Outage : Have You Checked Its Impact on Your Site?

Google Outage : Have You Checked Its Impact on Your Site?

Google, the world’s largest and most powerful search engine, was down on August 8, 2022. With this, many of its services, including Google Search, Google Maps, Google Drive and YouTube, showed HTTP 500 and HTTP 502 errors. A spokesperson from Google, which has a 91.43% market share in the search engine space, issued an apology for the services being temporarily unavailable and said that the outage was caused by a software update.

Why You Should Care

The outage has caused a lot of suffering for some businesses. If you noticed changes in your page rankings or a big swing in your website traffic, the Google outage could be the culprit. Apart from ranking changes, some pages have dropped out of indexing, which means that the Googlebot is no longer crawling these pages.

Although Google’s services were restored shortly after, the ranking and indexing of your website could be impacted for longer, unless this is fixed.

What You Can Do About It

Are you unsure how the Google software update and resulting outage have impacted your website? Here are a few things you can do:

Technical Audit of Your Website: Such an audit will generate a detailed report of the various on-page elements that are critical to the success of your website. It will highlight what’s working for you and what needs improvement.

Intelligent Keyword Analysis: The next step involves determining the most important keywords for your website. The experts at Earn SEO conduct keyword analysis after gaining a deep understanding of your business, its competitors and the sectors. They then identify the most relevant keywords for your website, by balancing between number of searches and level of competition for those keywords.

On-page Optimization: With thorough on-page optimization, our SEO experts aim to improve your ranking on the Google search engine results page. On-page optimization involves ensuring your website has all the relevant keywords placed at strategic locations and all pages of your website are being crawled by the Googlebot.

Off-page Optimization: This involves uploading content on authoritative websites with links to your website. Doing so serves as a validation of your site and improves its ranking.

Conversion Tracking: This is very important as it allows you to gauge the effectiveness of all the SEO efforts on your website. At Earn SEO, we generate weekly and monthly.

More Can Be Done

SEO takes time to generate results. If your website ranking has been impacted by the Google outage, don’t be disheartened. Ad campaigns and social media marketing are also very effective in attracting traffic to your website.

PPC Campaign: Running a search engine ad campaign is the fastest way to get to the first page of Google searches. It is good value for money, as you pay only when a user clicks on the ad and reaches your website. Moreover, our experts manage the ad campaigns in a way that ensures costs continue to decline as your ads gain traction. You can spend as much or as little as you like.

Social Media Campaign: Almost 97% of Gen Z consumers search for brands and product information on social media before making a buying decision. Our experts can help you target the right audience through posts and ads on the most popular social media platforms, like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter.

If you are wondering whether any Google update or the August 8 Google outage has impacted your website, contact Earn SEO today. Else, you can simply choose from one of our cost-effective SEO packages.

Earn SEO was established in 2011 by Devendra Mishra, a highly educated professional with varied training and experience. Mr. Mishra is responsible for business development, attracting new Earn SEO partners, and interacting with clients, the media and press, and acting as Brand Ambassador.

Devendra Mishra

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