Surgical Supplies SEO Case Study


Westbury, Long Island based SurgicalSupplies.Us is a leading supplier of medical supplies and equipment at cost effective prices. The company works with leading medical companies, healthcare providers and other health-oriented establishments to supply the products required by them in their daily operations. Also included in their product list are the highly demanded wellness products.

Surgical Supplies had Less number of Traffics
Website had 10-15 Organic Traffic per day's
 Started working to increase the visibility of the website online by 100%
Overall Traffics by network increased by 200%


SurgicalSupplies.Us was looking to expand its market and so desired better ranking for its website in the pages of the search engines. Some particularly important keywords were identified, and the company wanted its website to rank high on the search pages for them. Another challenge faced by the company was that the pages on its website were dynamic and thus difficult to access by the search engines. Some search engine spiders do not crawl dynamic pages of websites as well as static pages. This means that a website that uses dynamic pages may not be indexed as well as it would be if the pages were static. The absence of good and adequate content on the category pages of the company’s website was also an area of concern.


The Earn SEO team conducted some research into the medical supplies field and finalized a list of keywords in consultation with the client. This was followed by the inclusion of these important keywords in the HTML code of the SurgicalSupplies.Us website. The next step involved dealing with the issue of inadequate content on the home page and the absence of any good links. The issue was explained to the company management and the shortcomings in their website were rectified by the addition of the relevant content and getting the links.

The issue of dynamic pages was handled by several steps to make them SEO-friendly. This was important because Googlebot struggles to crawl such pages and include in their search rankings. Also, it expects to see the same content that any visitor to a website would see. Necessary steps were taken to ensure that the dynamic pages were not hurting the website’s chances of coming in the search engine rankings.


Our steps to improve SurgicalSupplies.Us SEO optimization worked and within 2-3 months the results were visible. The website started witnessed improved traffic and better search engine rankings which led to an improvement in sales too. The company was thrilled with our efforts and accepted that their partnership with Earn SEO has led to overall business development.


Increase in Organic Traffic


Number of Ranked Kewords


Return on Investment