Author Archives: Devendra Mishra

Google Places is Over Say Hi to Google Local

Google Places is Over Say Hi to Google Local

For all those waiting for Google Places to be integrated with Google+, it has finally happened. However Google has decided to completely replace…
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Penguin or Panda How to find out Which Google Update Impacted Your Website

Google is getting more stringent with its algorithm updates in order to return credible search results from quality content websites. It aims at…
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Google Working on Over-Optimization Penalty

The recent South by SouthWest Conference (SXSW) in Austin witnessed the disclosure of a new algorithm by Matt Cutts, the head of Google’s…
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It’s Official: Yahoo Appoints PayPal President Scott Thompson Its New CEO

On January 04, 2012, Yahoo! officially announced that PayPal President Scott Thompson will be Yahoo! new CEO with effect from January 09, 2012.…
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