Google Working on Over-Optimization Penalty

  • March 28, 2012
  • SEO

The recent South by SouthWest Conference (SXSW) in Austin witnessed the disclosure of a new algorithm by Matt Cutts, the head of Google’s webspam team which would surface in a few weeks, designed to penalize over optimized sites. This could be another game changer for websites wishing to have top rankings in the most popular search engine in cyberspace.


In order to level the playing grounds a little bit, he pre-announced the changes that will target people abusing SEO or SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION through over optimization. Over optimization usually contains too many keywords on a page or whether they exchange way too many links and everything that a normal person does not expect in a particular area. So if one writes texts with a keyword density of 10%, one should be worried. A simple method of preventing keyword excess is use of Keyword Density Cloud tool. It warns against the excessive use of keywords. Duplicate contents can be diagnosed by Page checker. Similarly tools such as Site Link Analyser for links spam can be used to avoid Google’s penalty.


Aimed at making the Google Bot smarter, this algorithm will also try to make Google’s relevance more adaptive. This new algorithm will ensure better ranks for sites with user-desirable content rather than sites with optimization. This revolutionary approach by Google will provide it with a better understanding of sites that have good quality content even if it is not search engine optimized.


A content driven site should not expect penalty when the new algorithm is in the market. Content driven strategy has been the principle of Google’s rewarding scheme. It stresses more on the content needed by the user instead of what search engines want. This policy came into effect after Google introduced last year’s Panda updates. Website administrators all around the globe need to focus on selecting topics that are helpful for the user. Everyone must learn a lesson from Duane Forrester, the senior project manager from Bing, who was also present in the conference. He highlighted the importance of social sharing as a signal that others actually like your content — one of the key indicators of relevancy for search engines. “Does the rest of the world think you have a great product?” Forrester asked. “If they do, they will amplify this. If you’re not engaged socially, you’re missing the boat because the conversation is happening socially about you and about your content. Those are really important signals for us. Whether you are involved or not is your choice, but those signals still exist whether you’re in the conversation or not”.


A major concern among the delegates was whether Google is going to release an algorithm update that could create problems for the ethical use of SEO activities which have been recommended to marketers to help their search rankings. This concern was taken care of by Matt Cutts who clarified that this algorithm is only against those who stretch the concept of SEO beyond the ethical norms.


So the bottom-line is, that companies work according to the content driven strategy and users should have an upper hand over search engines.

Earn SEO was established in 2011 by Devendra Mishra, a highly educated professional with varied training and experience. Mr. Mishra is responsible for business development, attracting new Earn SEO partners, and interacting with clients, the media and press, and acting as Brand Ambassador.

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